After your procedure you will be a little sore due to your body getting accustomed to your new booty. Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for long periods of time for the first 3 weeks
You can purchase one of our Booty Pillow’s for ultimate comfort when sitting.
Keep surgical plasters on for the first 24hrs
• If you want to shower the evening of your treatment make sure you replace the plasters.
• No saunas or sun beds for 1 week minimum.
• No weight lifting for 3 weeks light exercise including walking is advised for the first 3 weeks.
We use a blunt cannula to fan the product to create a beautiful shape, by using this method it reduces any risk of complications. It is the safest way to increase your booty shape and size.
The filler will feel firm for the first few weeks this will resolve as the filler softens.
We recommend massaging for 10 mins of a morning or evening to help settle the filler. Your practitioner will show you how to do this on the day of your appointment.
If you would like additional dermal filler we advise to wait a minimum of 3 weeks after treatment.
Results are seen instantly but they will also increase in size around 20-25% 2 week after your treatment we call this the ‘fluff and pop stage’.
This is due to Dermal Filler being hydrophilic which means it attracts water and expands, the gel works by attracting water to the area where it has been injected and increasing in volume.
Our team are on call to assist you and answer any of your questions post treatment.